Flight controller hardware comparison

This comparison whant to clear up the main differencies on the flight controller. Those are POTENIAL capability of the flight controller, but there are some thing to keep in mind:

So my opinion is to buy the best HW with active development and lot of user. Bonus point if it is supported by multiple project and its openharware, as this helps a lot the development of alternative software and hardware.

AfroFlight Naze32 Rev5 no FPU (stm32f1) only 6DOF (MPU6050) i2c
Naze32 Rev5 Full no FPU (stm32f1) 9DOF + baro (MPU6050) i2c
Naze32 Rev5 Full no FPU (stm32f1) 9DOF + baro (MPU6500) i2c
CC3D no FPU (stm32f1) 6DOF (MPU6000) ?
OpenPilot Revo very good mpu (STM32F405RGT6) 9dof + baro (MPU-6000 + HMC5883L + MS5611) SPI
Naze flip 32 no FPU (stm32f1) 9DOF + baro (MPU6050 + HMC5883L + MS5611) i2c
Mini APM V3.1 no FPU, low clock, flash, ram, no double (atmega2560) 9DOF (?) + GNSS (GPS only, no Glonass, Galileo or differential correction) i2c
Hobbyking KK2.1.5 no FPU, low clock, flash, ram, no double (atmega266) 6DOF (6050MPU) i2c
Seriusly Pro f3 good MPU + FPU (stm32f3) 6DOF (MPU6050) or 9DOF +baro (HMC5883 + MS5611) i2c
Seriusly Pro f3 EVO good MPU + FPU (stm32f3) 9DOF +baro (MPU9250 + BMP280) SPI
Seriusly dodo good MPU + FPU (stm32f3) 6DOF (MPU6050) i2c

(* main bus used to talk with Gyroscope and Accelerometer)

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